[求助] iTunes無法備份iPhone,因為備份已損毀或與iPhone不相容 (附圖) - iPhone4.TW 問了所有使用iPhone的朋友,沒人能夠幫我解決問題。 目前家裡電腦是PC (VISTA)。 按照朋友的說法,我把iTunes刪掉重新灌了兩次都沒有解決問題。 請大家參考一下附圖,看有什麼其他辦法可以幫我一下吧! 大感謝>///
Mac筆記型電腦- 怎麼備份iPhoto 裡面的照片? - 蘋果討論區- Mobile01 唯一的問題是不知道怎麼備份iPhoto 裡面的照片,試過把他們輸出到USB碟,但是每 次到了五百多張(一共 ...
Delete photos from an iPhoto album and library - Mac OS X Hints Yes, this seems to be gone in iPhoto 5. The iLife designers seem to have decided that no one wants to permanently delete photos or music. However, you can permanently delete from the library from within a Smart Album, just not from within a regular album.
iPhoto 6 和以上版本:重建iPhoto 圖庫- Apple 支援 2012年10月31日 - 使用重建功能前,請先備份現有的iPhoto 圖庫。如果在重建過程中發生任何未預期的問題,導致圖庫無法正確重建的話,您就可以利用備份來 ...
How to Email Pictures from iPhoto Using Mail.app Instead of iPhoto's Built-in Email Feature - Mac OS iPhoto 11 added an awful new built-in email service that replaces the previous functionality: when sending an email, it used to open Mail and attach the photos to a new email. Now, it uses a poorly designed, built-in email functionality that ruins everyth
Guide: How To Export Photos From Apple iPhoto Whilst Keeping The Event Structure - YouTube It is mainly aimed at fresh Mac owners who have just ventured into the world of Mac, and/or people who want to mirror their iPhoto database into a traditional PC style folder structure for backing up/transferring purposes. This is a guide on how to export
How do I transfer photos from iPhoto or desktop onto a memory card - MacRumors Forums How do I transfer photos from iPhoto or desktop onto a memory card Digital Photography ... I personally prefer the export option from iphoto. Make a album of the photos you want, select them all, and export them without resizing directly to that drive, an
How to find iPhoto Library and iPhotos in Finder UPDATE: This post refers to the current software versions – OS X Version 10.9 and iPhoto ’11 Version 9.5 (902.7). It has been updated as of 11/09/2013. Ever been looking for the iPhoto library location on your Mac’s disc? I have spend more time searching
iPhoto 6 和以上版本:重建iPhoto 圖庫- Apple 支援 - Apple Support 2015年3月23日 ... iPhoto 能讓您重建目前選取的iPhoto 圖庫。在某些 ... 使用重建功能前,請先備份 現有的iPhoto 圖庫。 ... 在iPhoto '09 中,如果iPhoto 在開啟時無預警結束或無法載入 照片,請選取「從自動備份 ...
[軟體] 如何雲端備份IPHOTO照片? - 看板MAC - 批踢踢實業坊 推willychn33:你可以把library搬進dropbox 09/12 11:52. 推EROS4:建議不要這樣, 裡面小檔太多,我上次 ...